Camera Motors
Stevens Electric Motor
This small motor, powered by a battery pack, was designed by Stevens Engineering
Company for the Bolex H-16 and H-8. The motor mounts on the side of the camera
by means of a thumbscrew attached into the winding crank socket. It is coupled
to the hand crank shaft and operates at a speed of 8, 16, 24 and 32 frames
per second, in forward or reverse motion.
Bolex Unimotor
Also known as the U-62 or MOVUM, this electric drive motor was introduced
in the Spring 1954 issue of the Bolex Reporter. This version allows the H-16
to be filmed at 8-32 frames per second, and for the H-8 to be filmed at 16-48
frames per second. The motor came complete with a leather battery case, five
batteries and 10 foot extension cord and switch.
Bolex Unimotor MC-17
A later version of the Unimotor, the MC-17, was constructed with a newer friction
shaft [1]and a lower
attachment knob that secured to the side of the Bolex H-16 REX and later model
H cameras. The new drive shaft allowed the camera to be started and stopped
from the release button on the camera, rather than the electrical switch on
the cord. It also permitted single frame filming for an entire 100 ft spool,
without having to manually wind the spring. This model can be operated on
batteries, or on AC power with the Bolex transformer, at speeds of 12-32 fps
on the H-16 (12-64 fps on the H-8).
1 "What's New At Bolex," Bolex Reporter, Fall 1959, 30.