Filters and Lens Accessories
Matte Box
The Bolex Matte Box was introduced in 1962 and can be used with any H camera.
However, the through-the-lens viewing of REX cameras was recommended. [1]
It allowed the cinematographer to produce different effects with masks, and
also served as a filter holder and lens shade. The device was attached to
a removeable flat base. Later model H cameras with the built-in flat base
were designed to easily accept the matte box without the accessory base. The
unit was supplied with keyhole, binocular and heart shaped masks, blank masks,
acetate sheets, and front and rear frame glassplates. Two versions were available:
One for use with zoom lenses (bottom left) and the other for focal length
lenses up to 26mm (bottom right).
1 Ernst Wildi, "The Matte Box," Bolex Reporter, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1963, 29.
Lens and Accessory Support
This Bolex accessory served multiple purposes: as a device to support heavy
lenses; to allow the Bolex matte box to be used in front of long telephoto
lenses; as a stand for macro filming, and as a portable titling unit. It consisted
of a 20" long optical bench, with 12" and 27 1/2" extension rods, an adjustable
lens support with lock for lenses up to 4" in diameter, and a titling frame.
This unit appears to have been first available in 1964.
Bellows Extension Unit
(1967) The Bellows Extension unit was intended for H-16 cameras with
reflex viewing and allowed continuous focusing from 4 1/2" to infinity. The
unit was attached to the camera by using two built-in turret screws. It was
equipped with a geared focus knob, pre-set diaphragm lever and 5" long optical
bench engraved with distance and exposure indicators. A special 75mm Yvar
lens was included, as well as two adapter rings; one for use with C mount
telephoto lenses, and the other for the Switar 25mm lens.