December 02, 2006 -- bolexcollector.com
I've gotten a few replies lately from Bolex Collector readers who would like
to know more about the original price of Bolex cameras, projectors or other
items. On some parts of this site, I've included that information. It's tough
to do for everything, however; prices changed from time to time, and differed
in each country. Still, it's always interesting to see the price at which
some of these cameras and accessories were originally sold.
With that in mind, I thought I'd present a section of the Christmas 1959 Bolex Reporter magazine; a price guide of various Bolex items available for that year, complete with a color coded price range.
The guide is presented below, as it appeared on page 16:
Bolex Christmas Gift Ideas
"Choosing an appropriate gift for a home movie enthusiast can be a dilemma even for the most experienced Christmas shopper. If you are among the uninitiated in the world of films, cameras, lenses and lights, you risk becoming embroiled in a mental guessing game in which the major question is "I wonder if he'll really have any use for it!". Even if your photographic knowledge extends beyond this point, you probably have not kept track of the wide assortment of gift possibilities that exists for home movie fans.
Aside from your own knowledge of photography, one of your major considerations in choosing a gift will be its cost. To help you make a selection within your budget the Bolex gift guide on these pages has been organized into four price groups. Items under $60.00 are described in green type on a grey background. For gifts from $61.00 to $100.00 look for black type on grey. White captions on a black background describe the $101.00 to $200.00 group. If you want to spend more than $200.00 check the white type on a green background.
Every gift shown here exemplifies the standard of excellence people have come to expect of Bolex. As long as the lucky recipient of your gift doesn't already have it he'll use it -- and, you may be sure, will enjoy having it!"