Father Bernard Hubbard advertisement
8 1/2" x 11 1/4", full page ad. New York: American Bolex Company. (May 1948).

In 1948, the American Bolex Company ran a series of ads featuring well-known personalities or Hollywood professionals; all who owned Bolex equipment. This ad featured the text of a letter sent to Ezra Brockway of the American Bolex Company, from Father Bernard Hubbard; the "Glacier Priest." The letter reads:

Dear Mr. Brockway,
My round-the-world Bolex developed, as I thought, spring trouble in Tokyo, and in a panic I wired for new equipment. After the wire went off, -- a little pressure on the reverse key, and the mechanism snapped into action and the camera is as good as ever. After working perfectly in sub-zero flying over Fujiyama it is now buzzing along accurately in the humid heat of tropical isles again.

Since the start of this trip last November, 50,000 feet have passed through my Bolex without a single "jam" or a single mechanical defect occurring.

The dust and heat of Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq did not impair it; the humid heat of India, Ceylon, and the Phillipines produced no effect on the watch like mechanism: the dust of north China, the cold of Japan, and finally the excessive humidity of the tropical islands, now in this last lap of the journey find my original Bolex functioning perfectly.

I consider the Bolex the best 16mm camera I have ever used. May I wish you every success in the promotion and distribution of this excellent product.

Very Sincerely,
Bernard R. Hubbard S.J.

Incidentally, the camera in the top left picture shows a Ambol Cine-Focus rangefinder attached; also, the picture is reversed.