Bolex Reporter, Volume 2

- Christmas 1951
- Volume 2, Number 1
- Articles: "Make Your Christmas Movies
the TV Way", Don Langer; "Bolex Safari", Dr. Andras Laszlo; "On Guard
with Bolex", Peter O'Crotty; "The Picture In Your Head", Robert W. Wagner;
"Sound Your Bolex", Gerard Schoenwald; "The Bolex Education", John H.
Battison; "Bolex at Detroit", Ernst Wildi
- In an article entitled "Bolex Safari", Dr. Andras Laszlo
writes about his filming expedition to Africa. Most notably, he describes
a Gunstock Grip which he designed.
It would later be sold as a Bolex accessory.
- 31 pages

- Spring 1952
- Volume 2, Number 2
- Articles: "Get Action with Your Bolex",
Ozzie Sweet; "Hunting Ants with a Bolex H-16", Warwick M. Tompkins; "Babies
Can Win Friends", R. H. Alder; "Mission to the Orient", Robert W. Burgess;
"The Bolex and the Eye - Part I", Margaret Markham
- A great pictorial, from acclaimed photographer Ozzie Sweet,
is featured in this issue. Included are his tips for shooting action photography,
as well as lens choices. The cover photo was also taken by Ozzie Sweet.
- 23 pages

- Summer 1952
- Volume 2, Number 3
- Articles: "Filming a Motor Race", Thomas
C. March; "Shooting a Documentary Film", William Messner; "Trick Effects
with a Bolex", Martin H. Winn; "The Bolex and the Eye - Part II", Margaret
Markham; "Tips for Beginners", Gerard Schoenwald
- The unique cover of this issue features another photo by
Ozzie Sweet. The color doesn't scan well, but it's a cross between blue
and silver and is somewhat reflective. A four page section introduces
the new Bolex stereo equipment, in "Bolex Has Stereo".
- 27 pages

- Fall 1952
- Volume 2, Number 4
- Articles: "Come Into the Two-Eyed World
with Stereo Movies", H. Dewhurst; "Fades and Lap Dissolves", Ernst Wildi;
"Just Be Natural", Tony Rose; "Shooting Ducks", Ormal Sprungman; "Animated
Fantasy with Bolex", C. Wes Doty;
- H. Dewhurst begins a series of articles on stereo photography
in this issue. Some of the latest accessories are advertised throughout
this issue and two pages are devoted to the Pan Cinor 20-60mm zoom lens.
- 31 pages