About The Webmaster
Hello, I'm Michael Tisdale: the Bolex Collector, or Webmaster, or "the guy who designed this site". I live in Atlanta, GA, with my wife, two cats and a collection of old movie cameras (among other things).
This site is dedicated to my passion of collecting and using Bolex cameras. Although I've collected many types of still and movie cameras from different manufacturers since 1991, I have a particular interest in Paillard Bolex.
I created this website in 2005, to share information with other Bolex enthusiasts. Since then, I've had the pleasure of meeting others who share my interest in collecting and filming with classic cameras; both as a hobby and professionally.
I enjoy shooting time-lapse, animation and miscellaneous b-roll, and prefer spring-wound cameras over anything that uses a battery. I used to shoot mostly on 16mm color negative and reversal; my main cameras being the Bolex H16 Rex-4 and H16 Supreme. In the past few years, I've begun shooting almost exclusively on double 8mm color and B/W reversal.
If you have comments or questions, or would just like to discuss Bolex cameras, I look forward to hearing from you. Just follow me on Twitter @bolexcollector or "like" my Facebook page. Although I'm a bit lazy in replying to emails, you can contact that way, as well. Thanks for stopping by!